This week’s Workout of the Week is just plain fun! Not a lot of competition and no time limit. When you’re done, you’re done. All you have to do is spell your whole name (first middle last) and do the exercise associated with each letter! We’re shooting for 15-25 letters which should take you 30-45 minutes to complete. If you need to repeat your first name or take out your middle name to make it fit within those guidelines, do it! Grab the printable here.
A – Kettlebell Swings: You can use a heavier dumbbell for these if you don’t have a kettlebell. Just make sure you can hold the dumbbell with one hand on each end. Video here.
B – Mountain Climbers: Start in plank or push-up position. Bring right knee in towards the chest. Put the right foot back in plank position. Repeat with the left knee. Video here.
C – Jump ropes: Jump rope 75 times. Or, just little jumps side to side if you don’t have a jump rope.
D – Gate Swings: As my brother put it, “These are like jumping jacks with no arms. Except, when you jump out, you squat.” Starting with your feet together, jump out to a squat (in 2nd position for you ballerinas :), then jump back to feet together.
E – Pushups: Knees or toes. Arms wide or narrow. Pick your poison. 😉 Here’s a video if you need some extra inspiration!
F – Pull ups: Hanging from a bar, pull yourself up until your chin is level with the bar, then lower back down. You can modify by jumping to give yourself a headstart. Or, using a bench or an exercise band for leverage. OR, if you don’t have a bar, do a narrow, triceps push-up by putting your hands directly under your shoulders and keeping your elbows next to you waistline as you push-up.
G – Renegade Rows: Starting in push-up position with a dumbbell for each hand, hold one dumbbell in your right hand and pull the weight up to your shoulder, shooting your elbow straight up toward the ceiling. Put the weight down and repeat with your left hand (video here).
H – Pistol Squats: Standing on your left leg and holding your right leg out in front of you, squat as far down as you can on your left leg, then stand back up, holding the right leg up the whole time. Do 10 repetitions on each side. This is a very difficult move! One of my favorite variations is to squat over a bench and let my bottom touch the bench at the bottom of my squat. That way I can squat lower than usual without falling down! (video here)
I – Triceps Dips: Place your hands on a stair or bench and feet on the floor. Bending the elbows to the back, dip your hips down and up, keeping your feet far out in front of you (video here).
J – Pushups: (See letter E)
K – Tuck jumps: Standing with feet right under your hips, jump up bringing the knees up close to your belly button. (video here).
L – Hammer Curls: These are bicep curls with palms facing in toward the body at the lowest point. The end of the weight should tap the shoulder at the top (video here).
M – Burpees: Back to middle school gym class we go! Start standing. Squat down to touch the floor with your hands. Jump your feet out to high plank (push-up position). Do one push-up. Bring the feet back to a squat right next to your hands. Jump straight up lifting the arms above your head. Repeat 12 times! To make it easier, you can take out either the push-up, the jump, or both. You can also step out to plank from the squat instead of jump (video here).
N – Lunge Walks: With or without weight (held in your hands or a bar across your shoulders), step your right foot far forward into a lunge. Left knee should be close to touching the ground and right shin should be vertical (perpendicular to the ground). Repeat with the left foot (video here).
O – Plyo Lunges: Stand in a lunge with one foot front and other foot behind. Jump up and switch legs in the air to land in a lunge with the opposite foot front (video here).
P – Pistol Squats: (See letter H)
Q – Glute Bridge: Lay on your back and put your feet up on a stair, bench, couch, etc. Press your hips up high, then lay them back down. You can add a weight (held on your lower abdomen) to make it harder. Increase intensity by holding one leg up in the air while performing the exercise. Here’s a video!
R – Goblet Squats: Perform a squat while holding a weight in two hands in front of your chest, as if the weight was a goblet you were about to drink from (video here).
S – Russian Twists: Sitting on the floor, lift your legs off of the floor. Leave the knees bent about 90 degrees. Lean back slightly and twist the torso from side to side. Hold a weight, medicine ball, frozen ham, etc. to increase intensity (video here).
T – Renegade Rows: (See letter G)
U – 1 minute Wall Sit: Leaning against a solid wall, bend the knees so that your upper leg is parallel to the floor. Hold this position for 1-minute.
V – 2 minute Plank: Hold plank position (hands under your shoulders, feet less than 12 inches apart, spine straight) for 2 minutes.
W – Mountain Climbers: (See letter B)
X – Squat jumps: Standing on both feet, squat, then jump straight up. Repeat (video here).
Y – Plank jacks: Hold high plank (or push-up position) and jump your feet out into a wide straddle, then back close together.
Z – Burpees: (See letter Z)