This lesson was inspired by a Utah core Social Studies standard for 3rd grade: Standard 2: Students will understand cultural factors that shape a community. Objective 2: Explain how selected indigenous cultures of the Americas have changed over time. Pottery (5 … [Read More...]
Lesson Plans

Let’s Dance: Winter Weather Patterns
It's COOOOLD outside. This is how my trees were looking this past weekend. YUCK! But, fortunately for us, winter weather does have it's upsides. It … [Read More...]

Shapes Day Dance Class with Skippyjon Jones!
This book is so easy to dance to. It's one of those books that has a million possibilities! I love to use it with my creative movement and mommy and me … [Read More...]

The Mitten
Our recent cold weather reminded me of a dance lesson I did during summer camp last year. It's actually way more appropriate for winter though! This lesson is … [Read More...]
Dance Games

The Body Parts Shape Game
The Body Parts Shape Game is one of my students most well beloved games. I use it for students of all ages. It's easy … [Read More...]

The Best Props for Dance Class
I LOVE a good prop! They can really make or break a dance class. A good prop will add to the dancing and help dancers … [Read More...]

Workout of the Week – Hill Training
All you need for today's workout is a hill (or a field, parking lot, trail, etc.) and some medium weight dumbbells. I … [Read More...]

Say Hey (I Love You!)
Here's another favorite for cardio dance! This choreography is to "Say Hey (I Love You)" by Michael Franti & the … [Read More...]