Our recent cold weather reminded me of a dance lesson I did during summer camp last year. It’s actually way more appropriate for winter though! This lesson is inspired by the folk story The Mitten. The version I love is by Jan Brett
. However, there are lots of other versions that will work just as well!
First, we sit down on a nice soft red blanket, just like the mitten, and we read the story. Then, we talk about how first the mitten was little and we make a little tiny shape. Then we grow bigger, and bigger, and bigger, and bigger until we’re so big, we EXPLODE! Sometimes we play The Balloon Game, too! 🙂
Then we sing a song. I got this printable over at fellow blogger First Grade Wow.
We do a dance with the song, too! It’s pretty fun! 🙂 We do the following movements while singing along to the tune of “The Farmer in the Dell“:
“Hi-Ho! It’s cold outside”: echappe (jump to 2nd and 1st positions), shiver and shake
mole: digging movements
rabbit: hop and jump around the room
hedgehog: wiggle your head back and forth
owl: arms out wide and spin around
badger: mime climbing a ladder
fox: gallop around the room
bear: bear walks (walk on hands and feet) around the room
mouse: crawl down low