How many times has this happened to you? We’re exactly twelve minutes into dance class, parents are peeping through the windows, and seven three-year-old dancers in pink leotards are chasing a ball they found in the corner of the studio. I’m sitting in the middle of the room doing butterfly stretch with Mollie, who is apparently the only student listening today. No matter how I ask, command, or beg, the others refuse to come to the circle or stretch! Do I give in and let them play ball? Do I ignore the rest of the class and give Mollie my undivided attention? Do I just go into the corner and cry? 🙂
The above situation has happened far more times than I’m proud to admit… But, I’ve got a solution for you! It’s time to redirect! One of my favorite ways to redirect is with a movement rhyme. Dancers love them. Parents think their child is learning something constructive. And I am secretly teaching new skills to unsuspecting preschoolers. Here are a few of my favorites:
Run, run, run, jump! Turn around.
Reach up high. Touch the ground.
Kick your feet. Clap to the beat.
Run, run, run, and Giant leap!
Skip like a butterfly in a circle
Crawl down low, like a turtle
Waddle like a penguin, very quick
Now, show me your trick!
Freeze down low, low, low
Now last thing we grooooooow, grow!
March, march, march, march, Turn around.
Reach up high. Touch the ground.
Wiggle your head and point your feet.
Sit right down. Spin on your seat.
Bear walk, bear walk, across the floor.
Run, run leap, over towards the door.
Chasse, chasse, arms out strong.
Kick your feet, toes out long.