Oh goldfish. If I had a pet, it would be you. I never knew how much I loved goldfish until this song was shared with me by a dear, dear friend. Then I realized, I had goldfish as centerpieces at my wedding (It was cool…really…), orange is my favorite color, and my favorite song is The Goldfish Song by Laurie Berkner. Apparently, it was meant to be. This song is a lot like Late Last Night, which I posted about here. It’s a time filler song, and my students ask for it again and again and again. Some weeks, my goal is to get through class without doing the goldfish song, haha! Here is how we do it:
All students lay on the ground for the beginning of the song. They each get one blue ribbon or scarf to dance with.
“They lifted up their heads”: Lift up your heads.
“And they shook out their tails”: Shake out your tail.
“Let’s go swimming”: Dance throughout the room with your ribbon. Skip, turn, jump, etc.
“Got so very, very tired”: Lay back down.
“When they woke up”: Lift up your heads and wake up!
“Take a shower”: Wash body parts as they are named (hair, ears, tummies, beards, noes, toes)
“Wait a minute!”: Stand hands on hips.
“We’re fish!”: Thumbs to chest.
“We don’t take showers!”: Shake finger like you’re admonishing someone.
“Let’s go swimming”: Dance throughout the room with your ribbon. Skip, turn, jump, etc.
“Got so very, very tired”: Lay back down
“When they woke up”: Lift up your heads and wake up!
“They decided to brush their teeth”: Mime holding toothbrush and toothpaste. Squeeze toothpaste onto brush. Put it in your mouth. Then, brush. We usually wiggle feet and twist while brushing…
“Wait a minute!”: Stand hands on hips.
“We’re fish!”: Thumbs to chest.
“We don’t take brush our teeth!”: Shake finger like you’re admonishing someone.
“Let’s go swimming”: Dance throughout the room with your ribbon. Skip, turn, jump, etc.
“Got so very, very tired”: Lay back down
“When they woke up”: Lift up your heads and wake up!
“They decided to ride their bicycles”: Hold handlebars and run to the left. Run to the right. Run in a big circle. Run down low. Run faster, faster!
“Wait a minute!”: Stand hands on hips.
“We’re fish!”: Thumbs to chest.
“We don’t ride bicycles!”: Shake finger like you’re admonishing someone.
“Let’s go swimming”: Dance throughout the room with your ribbon. Skip, turn, jump, etc.
I know it sounds repetitive and silly, but try it! I promise, you won’t regret it. 🙂
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